
English IV - English Language challenges

Hello Everyone! Personally, my experience learning English in the courses offered by the University of Chile has been beneficial and helpful in my learning, but not enough to be able to perform in the language as I would expect. As is well known, we are all different and so are our study and learning rhythms, therefore, just as some people can learn a language more easily, there are people who find it a little more difficult. In my case, I think that the main reason why I have not been able to study, understand and learn English in a good way has been time, although I have been taking these courses for 3 semesters, I have not been able to dedicate the time that corresponds to prioritize the subjects that are part of my degree and that allow me not to stagnate in the curriculum. The blogs were a great learning tool that allowed me to dare and improve my writing in English, being a fundamental pillar in the understanding of grammar and vocabulary. Personally, I need to improve in all a...

English IV - What would you change about the biochemistry curriculum?

Hello Everyone! This is a complicated question because I am part of the generation that entered the university at the beginning of the pandemic, so I have had more experiences online than in person. Obviously, if we talk about the pandemic context, especially in the first year there were many things to correct, however, it is understandable in some cases because we had not faced a health emergency like this in the last decades. Now, as I am about to move on to the third year of my degree, I think that one of the main emphases should be on the modernization of the faculty, whether for the classrooms, multi-purpose rooms or laboratories, mainly to achieve a better quality of learning for students and at the same time, to make it more comfortable for teachers, administrators, and staff in general. Although I believe that one of the great virtues and learning that I have gained through the laboratories is learning to work with the right and precise instruments (preparing ourselves for th...

English IV - Time to travel to the future

Hello Everyone! If I had the opportunity to travel to the future, I would first like to transport myself to the world 4 years from now, at the end of 2025, mainly because I would like to know where my future self would be. At that date, I should already be about to finish my university degree (provided I don't have any problems with any subjects) and I should have some idea of what is suitable for me to work and develop as a professional. I would also like to know what my parents' situation would be like, as they are everything to me. Secondly, I would like to travel the world in another 10-15 years because I would like to know if the goals, I have set for the future have been fulfilled, among which are: To be a good professional in my field, to help my parents to have a nice old age, to share with my friends and family and, finally, to travel and see the world. Now, if I were asked: Would you like to stay there? The answer would be no, I think that one of the nice things a...

English IV - My future job

 Hello Everyone! One of the advantages of studying biochemistry is that it has a very diverse and large occupational field in exact sciences, from teaching to research. However, in Chile, not all the areas covered by biochemistry are well funded and supported enough to dedicate oneself exclusively to this field. Given this, in the future I would like to work in a clinical laboratory specializing in hematology, virology or immunology, perhaps a very ambitious goal, but it would be very nice to achieve it. At the same time, such a job would allow me the possibility to work and travel to different countries, since science is unique and global, therefore, the advances that are being made in Chile can be of great use in another country and vice versa. Finally, and about salary, the health area is one of the best paid in comparison to the areas of research and teaching. According to data from the website mifuturo.cl, it has an employability rate of 69.3% in the first year after gradu...

English IV - My frustrated dream

Hello Everyone! The Childhood is usually one of the most beautiful stages of life where the innocence and imagination of children is unique and incredible. My childhood was very nice, thanks to my parents I was able to travel, laugh and learn many things that have served me until today. However, like all children, I had a dream that I always wanted to make come true and that unfortunately I have not been able to fulfil. Although nothing is impossible at this stage, I prefer to finish my university degree and complement it with sport. Since I was a child, I dreamed of being a footballer, playing in a great team and representing the Chilean national team, I imagined myself running after the ball and shouting with my teammates for having won a championship. This dream started thanks to my dad (he loves football) because we always watched matches and he always took me to play in different football fields where I could run and play as freely as possible. However, as time went by and I w...

English IV - Is science valued in Chile?

 Hello Everyone!  Although the current pandemic has caused serious damage to people's physical and mental health, economic downturns in countries and extensive quarantines that seem like they will never end, it has also highlighted the role of the scientific community in society when it comes to establishing public policies and providing solutions to various health and humanitarian emergencies. Given this situation, is science valued in Chile as it should be? The answer is NO. Currently, Chile invests about 0.4% of Gross Domestic Product (GDP) in science and innovation while OECD countries invest an average of 2.8% of GDP, ranging from 1% to 4% of GDP. Now, is this deficit because good scientists are not being trained in the country? The answer is no, in fact, it is totally the opposite, and it has been evidenced during the pandemic where the scientific community has contributed with experience, wisdom and efficiency its knowledge either in the scientific or public area. I...

English IV - My best holidays

¡Hello Everyone! My favorite vacation was in February 2021, in this trip I went to the south of Chile, specifically, to Lican Ray, a beautiful town located in the Araucania Region wich is characterized by the abundant vegetation and the Calafquen Lake that surrounds this town. I spent a week in this place with my uncle, my cousin, and my mom. In Lican Ray I did many activities, for example, I went kayaking in the Calafquen lake, I took many pictures of the landscapes especially at sunset time, I ate many delicious meals (the red fruit cheesecakes were my favorite), I swam and enjoyed the lake, I played volleyball in the sand and most importantly, I rested a lot and spent time with my family. Also, I had the opportunity to visit beautiful places that were close to Lican Ray. I went to the hot springs of Coñaripe where I practically fell asleep in the hot springs haha, I visited Puerto Fuy and sailed around the Pirihueico lake, which surrounds this small town, and finally when possib...